Saturday, March 16, 2019

10 Buying Tips and Choosing Parts in Assembling a Gaming PC


This time I want to discuss about the tips on buying parts to assemble PC, why? Because I like it so if you see your friends still like being confused to determine what kind of part you buy, what kind of model do you want to buy without knowing the compatibility of the parts with the parts that you already have... Because I experienced it first

So buy parts that are not compatible after buying, why? Due to lack of knowledge about these parts guys. Sad, but I learned from experience, right?

Because PC parts are not cheap, so we need to understand what parts we want to buy first, don't just get out of money guys. But there are now a lot of raft shops and computer assemblies websites that make it easier for you to build a PC, but if you really understand what you assemble, make sure you are more satisfied, let's pretel one-on-one tips, guys, so you don't lose time and money.

First, you have to intend and make sure the PC is what you want to make, everyone has different motives, there are those who play games, make designs, create video / multimedia design and animation, there are also just for home use like playing solitaire and typing on Ms. Word. Well, if you already know the piece, what do you want to directly do, list the parts with the budget you have. Searching in google is one of the best ways you can look at the items without being followed by the shopkeeper... Moreover, you can compare the price with dozens of other stores scattered on the internet so you will have a benchmark price guys this applies to those who want to buy installments every month per part, guys, even if you want to buy cash / all right, at least you have to have an overview for the motherboard model. Well, if what kind of PC model intentions are you going to make already go to tip number 2.

Secondly, buy a motherboard first, guys, so that you can stay there, you just follow the compatibility of your motherboard. For example, you intend to assemble a gaming PC, you just have to choose a gaming motherboard that if you can upgrade without replacing the motherboard again, guys, this also applies to all PC models that you intend to assemble, huh. It's okay, you spend more money on this one part, also called MOTHERboard, yes, as a mother of all parts, it should be prioritized. Oh yeah and remember to always buy new parts, don't second items unless you know the wearer likes to take care of the items.. Remember guys all parts also have their own age..

Okay, third, buy a processor guys, of course with a socket that is compatible with your motherboard, you want to buy AMD or Intel, the series series is still there, so you have to be careful when you buy the motherboard to determine whether you want AMD or Intel as the brain from your PC, of course, with various weaknesses and strengths that you have considered guys. Remember this is a hard warning, don't buy processor second, dear guys.

4. VGA

The fourth, you better buy VGA first, why? Because these three parts are the most expensive parts guys, so that you are not too lazy at the end of collecting more money to buy this part guys, it is hard to get money out of the wallet if there are already many parts purchased first. Look for VGA that matches the intent of your PC model at the beginning of the search for the right one, it doesn't need to be too good if your budget is minimal which is important to find information about VGA that has strong performance so there is a guarantee that this part will last...
To see the Nerdstuff VGA article! Review check here.

5. RAM
The fifth, buy RAM first, you can find the mid class 2x2 (4gb Kit) yes, or buy a 2x4 (8gb Kit) if you really think you need a big ram... Adjust the slot The DDR is compatible with your motherboard. Remember consider your overall budget that depends on you who manage your own bag wisely and consider it.

The sixth, you buy guys' hard disks for your data storage later... Nowadays, buying the 1tb that is enough to run the system and save your Korean drama series anyway. It's starting to calm your breath a little now because the more here the cheaper guys.

The seventh, you buy the casing first, there are kinds of models / types of sizes guys there are ATX, Mini ATX, High Tower, etc. This size adjusts your motherboard and cooling system, you can check what your motherboard type and you can adjust it with the casing later, of course the price varies in each size, which is an expensive benchmark is the artistic shape of the casing and cooling system which is fantastic not the biggest size of the small guys. Well, buy it, many of which support the fine cable system so it doesn't roll around and there is a decent cooling system for daily use.

8. PSU (Power Supply Unit)
The eighth, you buy guys Power Supply Unit or PSU, after we have bought all the parts before, we know the power consumption of each part clearly based on the manual book guys, so you just need to adjust the Watts you need, right of all This part is estimated that we need a minimum PSU of 500 Watts or 650 Watts to support the power consumption of each part, don't buy less than that guy, even though we can use 450 Watts but no one knows that later our parts will lack power and cause damage, so yes at least 500 Watts.

Ninth, you can buy a monitor, you can buy a led monitor or tv, which, if you can spoil your eyes with its inches or image quality, if you want good image quality, I suggest buying a PC monitor that has a monitor with the quality of the image resolution is good and millions of colors are available but with inches that are not big, guys, most of you with that budget can only get 21 inches, good if you get 24 inches... If you want, you can buy tv there is a VGA or HDMI connector just how many kinds of tv, china tv, which is quite high quality but with images that are not as clear as a PC monitor. Be wise guys. Remember, according to your budget and your needs.

The last one you can buy a keyboard, mouse and sound at the same time select the one that suits your needs again, if the famous gaming brand is indeed expensive, so yes because this option includes PC gear so it's up to you... There are no recommendations because it's not really a cheap guys priority with monotonous color, it's okay, as long as it's used to play dota 2.

Well, guys, the tips are to buy the PC part, maybe you have a different method of assembling your PC, it's okay. It's also okay to share in the comments column, but for beginners who just want to make a PC, this method can be used so that it doesn't go wrong.

So many guys, NerdStuff's review for this time, if anyone wants to ask, just comment below, don't forget to subscribe or follow / Follow the blue button on the right side of this blog to keep updating the reviews on computer parts that Nerdstuff made... Thank you.

I am a writer named Faisal Umar who has a hobby in the computer field, even though it is not a computer science school, but has the same interest and enthusiasm as you.

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